Sara Pascoe

Sara Pascoe

Did you know?

Witchcraft is practiced by both women and men.  It was believed for the longest time that witchcraft was mostly a female activity. But there are male counterparts of witches as well, mostly referred to as wizards, warlocks or sorcerers.

Other Projects

In the works:

Screen Versions

I’ve written a series pilot based on Being a Witch and a feature animation screenplay for Oswald. Enquiries welcome!

Random Projects:

And here’s a short video I wrote and produced about something everyone should know more about.


Ratchet, the Reluctant Witch:ratchet-thumb

Ratchet, the Reluctant Witch is the original edition of Being a Witch, and Other Things I Didn’t Ask For. This is the same page-turning story about Rachel who’s sick of living in foster care, and runs away, only to find out she’s a witch with the strange habit of time-travelling — by accident. For a limited time, you can get a free copy of this original edition! Send me a message on

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